Contact Texas Success Academy

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Contact Texas Success Academy, because we are here to help you through the process of enrolling and graduating from an AdvancED SACS CASI and TEA approved online school.

We are located in Texas and have students from around the US and Internationally.
We are 100% online.

Texas Success Academy serves Teens and adult students across the country.

It's Never too Late to Graduate ~ Dr. C S Chappell

This student is very happy that they graduated

Contact your Personal admissions Representative to help your from Enrolling to Graduating.

Hours Monday-Thursday 9 am to 6 pm Lunch from 1 pm to 2 pm

Why Wait? Enroll Now!

See What Other Students Said: Taken from our Facebook Page:

This school is absolutely amazing they helped me out by being able to get my high school diploma, and now I'm looking forward to going to college all because they helped me with my dream!!

Victoria, 2016 TSA Gradua

This school is just amazing. Now I will be getting ready to go to college. Thank you guys so much

Yvonne, 2016 TSA Graduate

Need to Mail Documents or Payments? Use our Corporate Mailing Address:
Texas Success Academy
1400 W. Mayfield Road, Bldg. 350
Arlington, TX 76015