Resources for current, former learners, or verification agencies

Resources for current, former learners, or verification agencies

The Self Service Center is a resource center for current or former learners, or for agencies seeking verification services. Please be absolutely certain to fill out and submit the correct form in order for records and/or verifications to be fulfilled. Records requests for public colleges and universities may be submitted using the appropriate form below. Those records will be sent through the Texas Records Exchange. Public secondary schools do not need to utilize the form here, instead, those records may be requested through the Texas Records Exchange for participating public colleges and universities. All others will be mailed through US Postal Service, unless the university has a secure portal such as DocuFide or Parchment services, in which case, the university must request the transcripts directly using the form below. Public elementary, middle, or high school out of state, must send an official records request to the Registrar by emailing to or by faxing an official request to 866-307-5942. Private secondary, middle, or elementary schools, who are regionally accredited may request through email or fax.

Former students may not provide copies of diplomas; copies of transcripts; or any such documents to gain entrance into private technical schools. All records must be requested through this page. Learners who do not know their status at Texas Success Academy may call us to determine their status (holds, etc.). Please note that holds on records or incorrect submissions (i.e. non-students/non-Orion graduates) will not be refunded.

Private Technical Schools or Private Colleges and Universities must use the appropriate form below. Please note that official records will only be sent through the USPS.

Please note that there are not refunds for incorrectly filed forms.

Request Records that will go to Public Colleges and Universities.

Graduates or withdrawn students may request records. Please note that if there is a hold on your transcripts, they will not be sent, and a refund will not be applied. This form may be used by the student or the public college or university. Please note that records are processed through and sent through TREX, for Texas Public Colleges and Universities. If you are a public school in Texas, please do not utilize this form; use the Texas Records Exchange.

K12 adult online school accredited

Request Records that will go to Private Colleges, Universities, Tech/Trade Schools

Private/Technical/Vocational Training Schools and/or Schools who are not part of the Texas Records Exchange nor utilize the Common Application are required to use the form below to request records. Students may not utilize this form, records must be requested by the institution.

K12 and adult learners

Education/Graduation Verification

Employers or Education Verification Services may use this form to submit for verification services from Texas Success Academy. Verification Services will take 7-10 business days to be processed. We will attempt to process with your preferred method, and within the timeline.